"The Concealed" 2022
Directed, written, shot, edited, produced by Jay Zhao
Full Film
"The Concealed" narrates a loop of the "infinite corridor", where the characters exit from one side then will reenter it on the opposite site. The film sets in a mental health hospital, where treats psychotic patients, developing the characters' discovery of the endless corridor.
As to attend the competition, the 2022 SUDS Film Festival theme "the secret menu" inspires me of the revelation of extraordinary and concealed . My interpretation of the theme is the discovery and epiphany of unexpected events, that challenges our concept and recognition of the world and reality. I wish to demonstrate this metaphorically; whereby, I present "the secret menu" in my film as an experience of surprise and astonishment when realising the corridor hidden, which further leads to the destruction to distinguish actuality and falsehood.
The short film has been awarded for:
-Runner Up: Sydney University Film Festival 2022 (SUDS)
-Best Actress: Sydney University Film Festival 2022 (SUDS)