About myself and Contact Details

Jay Zhao
Jay Jiatong Zhao (赵佳童) is a film director and cinematographer based in Sydney.

 Born and raised in Shenzhen (深圳), Jay's first step of filmmaking kicked off during year 6 primary school, where with friends he used an iPhone 5 to make the very first narrative short film in his life. After landing Sydney, Jay has made 4 short films in high school including his Visual Arts NSW HSC Major Work and one art film winning the Student Council Art Award. Now continues filmmaking at UNSW Bachelor of Media degree in screen production.​​​​​​​
Other than the fields of narrative and experimental films, Jay is also active in digital content as he creates videos for different advertising and communication purposes, even for variety show. 

Additionally, Jay expertises in photography, including landscape and natural, portrait and cityscape street styles. Jay also takes roles in event photography and videography alongside with the creative production.
Zeo is Jay's gallery for showcasing oeuvres. 

Zeo is a personal studio that is component in diverse forms of media content.

From the arts to business, Zeo's productions include narrative and documentary films, music video, e-commerce, advertisement, event, and portrait series (shashinshū). Collaboration and freelancing services are open to public, see contact details below.

Zeo was founded by Jay and his friends in Houhai (后海), Shenzhen City (深圳市), Canton (广东省) on 1st April 2019. Zeo was a community for students who have a dream of film in junior high schools around Houhai area, and previously was called "Fat Cat Studio (肥猫工作室)", a film crew in Xuefu Middle School. Back on time, Zeo produced contents and videos on social media platforms that usually focused on technology and entertainment culture of Youth Chinese, as well as postmodernist mockumentary films.

Now, including Jay, the two of original Zeo's members successfully continued their childhood dream of studying films in uni.

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